
27.8.23 Pauline Hampshire – Keep to the path in Christ

Isaiah 30:19-21 Colossians 3:12-17 — Send in a voice message:

30.07.23 Pauline Hampshire – Sermon on the great dinner

Readings: Isaiah 25:6-9 Luke 14:12-24 — Send in a voice message:

16.7.23 Howard Carter – Serve One Another

Galatians 5:13-26 — Send in a voice message:

19-02-23 Nehemiah 9-10 Restoration of relationship (Howard Carter)

A sermon in our series on Nehemiah. Howard explores the long prayer in Nehemiah 9 and the renewed covenant in Nehemiah chapter 10. This is a readers digest condensed book look at that passage focusing on relationship with God at the heart of Nehemiah's rebuilding of the wall in Jerusalem. The service was also a…
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June 25th Submit to One Another Ephesians 5:18-6:9 (Howard Carter)

Part of the winter sermon series 'one anothering: the spirit filled art of christioan community. Howard shares on how Submit to one another is an out working of Jesus new commandment to love one another as I (Jesus) has loved you'. Working that out in relationshipsn where power and authority are involved. — Send in…
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Howard Carter 7th May Thomas’ Encounter with the Risen Lord

John 20:24-31 — Send in a voice message:

23.4.23 Pauline Hampshire – Witnesses to the Resurrection – the women

Mark 16:1-11 Luke 24:1-12 — Send in a voice message:

16.04.2023 – Howard Carter – Witness to the Resurrection- Mary Magdalene

Readings : 1 Corinthians 15:3-8 John 20:1-18 — Send in a voice message:

9-4-23 Easter Sunday Witness to the Resurrection ” At Last They’ve Got It”

Luke 24: 13-35 — Send in a voice message:

2.4.23 Pauline Hampshire – Cracks in the Wall

Nehemiah 13:4-22 — Send in a voice message: